When sexual harassment has happened, there are various options available depending on your role and what responsibilities you have in the workplace. If you are not sure where to start, our Sexual Harm Prevention and Response Advisor (SHAPRA) is a safe, confidential channel for accessing professional support and advice. Our SHAPRA can be reached at and 021 222 9169. Click here to find out more about the free service available to our music community.

If you are a person that needs to respond to a disclosure of sexual harassment on behalf of a business, it is also important that you seek advice and access any help you need to make sure you respond appropriately. The resources below include a flowchart that provides general guidance on the steps you may need to take, but each situation will be different. As sexual harassment is a complex and sensitive issue, we recommend you seek legal advice.

The following resources on our website can help when sexual harm has happened:

1. Support: How To Get Help

Support is available for people who have been harmed, support people and workmates, PCBUs (managers and people responsible for maintaining safety), and people who have done harm.


2. How to respond to a disclosure of sexual harassment


3. What to do about sexual harassment

 * Please note that the sexual harassment reporting form is to assist someone in reporting their concerns internally within their own workplace.  SoundCheck Aotearoa cannot receive or investigate reports of sexual harassment.  If you would like to report sexual harassment to an external authority, please see External Resolution Options.

4. Definitions


5. Preventing further harm from happening